Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Live Performance

So last month the beloved and I went to the show at the club I have written of previously, and were uproariously entertained. Okay, this is why just about any live performance is worth turning out for, over seeing things on television--it is a real thing happening to you when you are there, and plenty of things are much more entertaining when you see them live. I was utterly thrilled to watch a very skilled gentleman balance a wheelbarrow on his chin. See that on television--okay it is kinda kooky. It is much easier to be present in your own life if you go look at actual things.

I understand--everyone is tired and stressed and overwrought by just getting from one end of the day to the other. But even the effort involved in getting out to a real entertainment is part of being present in one's own life. Television watching can be fun, but sometimes at least, doing so takes as much as it gives. Or more.

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