Friday, June 26, 2009

This Is So Sad....

I'm reading one of Dashiell Hammett's short stories, a Continental Op one, set in 1923, and a phrase goes by me, and I think, "well that's a bit twee...."

I stopped then. Clearly my recent reading has relaxed my sensibilities badly. Alot of what is in the more recently written books may be more, "flashy," than Hammett, but his philosophical stance makes him always and forever the top of the Hard Boiled. And smart! Gawd he was smart!

So I figured it was time to drink coffee and brood.... This is a big world, with lots of stuff in it, and clearly I need to keep my sense of humor about me. Hammett, "twee?" That was some weird headspace to be in... Okay, now I'm kinda hoping the ghost of Lillian Helman shows up to haunt me. I'll admit that.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Austen, your Nelly Bly book is in, the others are still on BO (back order) I must have written your number down incorrectly so sorry,
    :( have a wonderful holiday. MB
