Monday, August 24, 2009

Poetry and Vision

A poetry professor of mine back in college once quoted someone else as having said--"Observation is the antidote to sentimentality." I think of this as I am, well, walking around looking at stuff. Especially as I have Mr. Simic's *Dimestore Alchemy: The Art Of Joseph Cornell* in my worm leather backpack, along with small color photocopies of Joseph Cornell boxes I especially like. I think of this quote when I am at the Magic Castle. What if I am not even sure of what it is I'm observing? I also consider the Anais Nin quote, something along the lines of "We see not what there is but who we are." Hm.

I'm never seeing more than just the very tip of the iceberg, only some of the connections that swoop like a fine silver web throughout all that exists. To pluck a single strand of it is to tug at the entirety of all that is.

No wonder whatever I look at slowly dissolves into light. Metaphorically. Or not.

Michael Van Welligan(?) 's class Observation is the antidote to sentimentality.
Simic's poems I marked, my experience of the city,

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