Tuesday, May 12, 2009


A friend says, "You have the time right now, start blogging," and proceeds to set this up for me over the phone. Well okay I think.

For reasons I won't go into at present, I am away from my long-held job, with pay, for an unknown length of time. It has been some time already. My health at present also prevents me from just sitting around the house making much of anything. Well except meals. Thus circumstanced, I've had nothing much to do but walk around and look at stuff, or read. Which can be done after walking to a place that serves coffee, and can be interrupted by looking at whatever is around.

This is a rare strange lovely opportunity, the nibbling anxieties of my postion aside. It is rather like falling into an alternate world, that has been running tightly parallel to mine. Now I ride trains because I feel like it, not because I'm a grizzled old communter of long hard experience. I have now ridden trains I only ever saw listed on the schedule, and discovered who rides at these exotic times, late in the morning and all afternoon. I dress in clothes far different from my work wardrobe and ride with them.

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